Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Working hard.....or hardly working?

Craft show update - I was accepted at one of the craft shows I applied to!!!!  Well, they cashed my check so I assume I'm in LOL  The name of the church hosting the craft show is called Grace Church of Avondale - here's a picture of it:

I have absolutely NO idea how busy it will be, how successful their past shows were, etc. so I'm just winging it here.  I guess I'll find out on November 15th LOL  To be honest I wasn't even sure where it was located; after I saw they cashed my check I went and Googled it.  One would think I would have done that *before* I sent in a check, but I'm not that bright, I guess ;-)

So with that being said, over the weekend I cut out a bunch of fabric for some of the items I will be selling at the shows.  I decided to do a little bit of a variety so I will have not only sewing/quilting items but also a few handpainted items as well.  I may even have some of my personalized ornaments shipped down from Minnesota so I can sell those too (although I'm honest enough to admin I'm sick to death of them).

In addition, a friend of mine asked me to make her a casserole carrier.  In pink.  That was all I was given as far as direction, "My favorite color is pink".  I'm not a fan of pink and I swear it took forever for me to find fabric.  In pink.  Did I mention its pink????  Ugh.....however that being said, I actually like what I picked so hopefully she does to!!  ::::still shaking my head over the pink lol::::  Anyway....I'll post pictures of it here when I'm done.

The weekend was fun - went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" on Sunday; I highly recommend it if you enjoy action/adventure/comedy movies (which I do).  The first 5-10 minutes are a bit of a downer, but after that its excitement all the way to the end.  Chris Pratt (star of the movie) is from Virginia, Minnesota and isn't bad to look at.  Not that I was, mind you, I'm just sayin'......

So tonight I will be doing a bunch more of this:

How was your day today?

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