Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy September.....

Its about that time of year again........craft show season!! 

I started doing craft shows back in 2002 when I was laid off from my job that summer, and was worried I wouldn't have any money for Christmas gifts for my kids.  At the time I was teaching decorative painting so I thought I'd give a couple of craft shows a try, paint up some stuff and just see what happens.

So with that I painted up anything that didn't move, while trying to do gifty things that people may buy.  If you've ever done a craft show then you know how hard it is to predict what will sell and what won't!

My first show rolled around and my best friend Denise came with me to help.  Table was all set up, both of us were anxious.....then *nothing* for 2 hours.  I found out later that people were walking in and walking through all the booths in a certain path, and of course we were at the end of that path!!  However, about 2 hours in, and after freaking out that I wasn't going to sell a thing, we started selling things like there was no tomorrow!  We were swamped until about an hour before the end of the show, and even then we still had people stopping by chatting and buying until the end of the show.  It was an experience I'll never forget and my kids ended up with a very nice Christmas LOL

From that point forward I've always done craft shows; some were awesome and some not so great.  I've changed inventory several times so I wouldn't get bored (painting, funny wood signs, knitted scarves, personalized get the idea) and my display has changed just as many times.  Its been a learning experience, but I've met some great people and have made some decent money which was always used for Christmas presents. 

I didn't do any shows in 2013 because I had moved across the country, but this year I'm dipping my toes back into the craft show arena and see where it goes!  I'm sure it will be like completely starting over, since what sold in Minnesota may not sell here in Florida, but I will find out soon enough!!  I've signed up for one show, am waiting to hear on a second one (its juried so I had to send in pics and wait to find out if I'm "accepted"), and am eyeing a third one.  So we'll see.....

In any event, craft show projects are getting started this weekend so stay tuned!!

Have a great weekend!
Vanessa :)

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