Monday, July 7, 2014

Happy Belated 4th of July :)

Hi again - I meant to post last week *before* the Fourth of July, but time got away from me (what else is new right?)

Spent the 4th at some friends house and took this video; now keep in mind that I'm used to Minnesota, where you cannot have shooting fireworks.  These were being shot off in the neighborhood and were spectacular.  These folks spent some serious money, let me tell ya!

Did a couple new recipes for the 4th as well; Banana Pudding and a hot Bean Dip. 

The Banana Pudding is actually a Paula Dean recipe and all I can say is "OHMYGOD".  It is thick, it is rich and it was a huge hit.  Here's the one I made:

The recipe calls for bananas, but if you (or one of your guests) doesn't like bananas, this recipe can easily be altered.  Skip the fruit and change the cookies/pudding flavor.  How about Oreo's and chocolate pudding?  Or Ladyfingers and butterscotch pudding?  I'm sure you see where I'm going with this :)

The other recipe I made was a baked Bean Dip - I absolutely love it.  I had planned on taking a picture as soon as I brought it over, but it was immediately attacked so here's what it looked like about 5-10 minutes after I brought it out:

This is a good Southern recipe, with black eyed peas and artichokes. Let me know if you'd like the recipe and I'd be happy to send it to you :)
We played softball over the weekend - well, let me know get real here:  we took turns hitting balls while the rest of us chased them LOL  Even so, after 1 1/2 hours in the hot sun you get a good workout!  I'm sore head to toe, but its a good sore.  I even hit a few balls; everyone took turns hitting 12 balls.  I only missed three....not bad for not swinging a bat since 8th grade.  One even managed to roll into the outfield so I'm pretty happy about that!!!!  It was a good showing for someone who was playing with people who have played baseball/softball practically all their lives.  I got lots of good tips on swinging the bat (apparently I swing like a girl - go figure LOL) but we had a great time overall.
Still no sewing - yeah, I know I'm a slacker!  Haven't painted anything lately either - I don't know where the time goes every day.
And a quick shoutout to Kathy Luehrs - again wishing her a Happy Birthday on the 5th!!!
How was your fourth of July?  Feel free to post in the comments section :)

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