Anyway the past few weeks have been a little crazy:
- Was sick for the better part of a week - just a nasty head cold, luckily it didn't turn into bronchitis or something worse (which is normally the case)
- Did a test run on smoking brisket last weekend - not too bad for our first try! We are trying them again this weekend - yum!
- Smoked burgers for the first time this past weekend - they turned out pretty darn good
- Work has been crazy busy so that's been taking up quite a bit of my time
- I had a scratch in my eye that ended up getting slightly infected so no contacts for me for two weeks :(
- Did my taxes and for the first time in my life, I have to pay in. Definitely NOT a happy camper!!
So see, its been pretty quiet LOL
No progress on my quilt; its been put aside for the time being. I am making some microwave warming bags for my relatives; everyone seems to be having aches and pains lately. I'm also making some extra to try to sell at the next BBQ competition, since we are allowed to sell stuff on Friday night (its an overnight competition since brisket takes so long to smoke - anywhere from 6-14+ hours depending on the temperature). We are also talking about selling smoked burgers and chili too but we shall see.
Anway - I hope you have had an enjoyable few weeks and again, I promise to be a better blogger!!
Vanessa :)
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