Monday, March 31, 2014

March 2014 BBQ Results/Recap

What a weekend!

Friday started out a little overcast, but all was good.  Got home from work early, started packing up the truck, made the au jus and the BBQ sauce for the brisket and was running around like crazy people.  We also had to pick up our new banner, so Pitmaster Todd ran over to the printers to get it while I was getting everything else finished.

I think our banner turned out great:
Anyway, we were running late so we got to the BBQ cookoff with seconds to spare before the cooks meeting.  After the meeting we were given our meat (1 *very* large brisket!!) and started getting set up so we can prep the brisket.
About this time - it started to rain.  We knew it was going to rain, but what we *didn't* expect was the mini-typhoon that was going to hit.  We were DRENCHED!  They had to cancel Friday evenings festivities (live band, vendors, selling to the public, etc) because of the rain.  Luckily we were (somewhat) prepared and brought along side walls for the canopy and put two of them on the sides - the front was blocked by the truck and the back wall was open to give us access to the smoker.
Did I mentioned we were DRENCHED??!!  It was cold, it was rainy, and it was miserable.  Luckily we had some great, funny guys next to us that has us pretty entertained all night.  We were able to catch a quick catnap but again, we needed to watch the smoker and tend to the meat, so sleeping wasn't going to be top of the priority list.
Our meat got done WAY early - 7am - and turn in time wasn't until noon, so we wrapped it up and placed it in an empty cooler with towels to keep it warm.  What we didn't realize is that the meat would keep cooking....
Anyway, its still raining cats and dogs (on a side note - who came up with that saying anyway? lol) and we were still drenched.  We were told that the People's Choice and food sales were now cancelled because of the rain, and instead we were going to just have a big lunch inside the main building with all the teams and taste everyone's brisket.
Anyway at 10:30am we put the meat back on the smoker to warm it back up then took it off at 11:30 to slice it.  We noticed it was VERY VERY tender (read: it was falling apart) so was very hard to slice:

OMG the flavor was SOOO good, it was just way overdone.
Here's our turn-in box; we did a little of everything - slices, shredded and cubed:

After turn in, we ate some lunch, chatted with other BBQ-ers and some judges and started packing up when we were called back in for the results.
Unfortunately we came in 13th out of 22.  We were a bit disappointed (well, ok, a *lot* disappointed) but what can you do?  We congratulated some of the other teams, packed up our stuff and went home.  I crashed for 14 hours, was up for a couple of hours, then crashed for another 4 hours, and was pretty much dragging the rest of the day with a monster migraine.  Sunday I looked like death LOL
We also got the judges comments back Sunday afternoon:


Scores are on a scale of 1-10, and they judge based on Appearance, Tenderness and Taste.  Keep in mind its all subjective, of course, but after seeing the breakdown and comments we now know what we did wrong and will make the necessary adjustments:
  • We smoked it on too high of a heat (next time we will use a lower temp)
  • We cooked it too long (we will do better with time management so it won't be overcooked next time)
  • We are NOT changing the au jus we used - for the life of us, we can't figure out why Judge #2 didn't like the taste but the other judges did.  In fact we offered samples to many of our BBQ neighbors and all of them raved. each their own
  • We will mak sure we fill the box a lot fuller next time - ours looked a little skimpy, in hindsight
Sorry didn't mean to ramble on (and on and on LOL).  I hope you had a wondeful (and DRY!) weekend!
Vanessa :)

Friday, March 28, 2014

Late Night Sewing

Happy Friday bloggers!!!

In anticipation of the BBQ cookoff this weekend and the fact they are letting us sell items/food tonight, we made up about 57 or so of these microwave heating/ice packs to sell.  After some trial and error (we discovered it was MUCH easier to sew the sides when they weren't filled up LOL) it only took us about 2.5-3 hours to make them.  Not including cutting time of course (that was another 1.5-2 hours on Sunday).

A full report will be given, both on (hopefully) sales of the bags and the BBQ cook-off, at some point this weekend (depending on how tired I am LOL).  Wish us luck and in the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Crab Boil Adventures, Preparing the BBQ

This past weekend a bunch of us got together for a good, old fashioned crab boil.  Everyone seems to do them slightly different but here's a picture of mine:

Its nothing fancy by any means - crab legs, shrimp, corn on the cob, sausage, mushrooms and red potatoes but WOW, is it delicious!

I think we ended up making 16 ears of corn, 8 lbs of crab legs, 2 1/2 links of sausage, a few pounds of shrimp, a large container of fresh mushrooms and a ton of potatoes.  There were 6 adults and 2 kids (both boys) and we managed to demolish almost all of it.  I think we crawled away from the table, we were so stuffed lol

In other news, we are preparing for our next amateur BBQ event this weekend.  We are having a banner printed with our team name, our associated BBQ memberships (the Florida BBQ Association and the Kansas City Barbeque Society) and location, which will will hang from our tent.  There will be plenty of pictures from this weekend, I promise!!  The meat this month is brisket, which is considered one of the hardest meats to cook.  If nothing else, it will be a great learning experience!

So what are your plans for this weekend?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring

Happy Spring Everyone!

Unfortunately that is NOT what I saw driving into work this morning; this is......

The fog was *really* thick, so of course, traffic was at an absolute crawl the whole way in :(  I've only seen fog worse once before; on my birthday a few years ago I was in Duluth, Minnesota and we were coming back from dinner.  The fog was SO thick you could barely see the hood of the car.  I was in complete panic mode until we got back to the least this morning you could see several cars ahead of you so I'm not sure why traffic was so slow.

Once the fog burned off, it has turned out to be a beautiful day here in Sunny Florida.  Upper 70s, slight breeze.....near perfection if you ask me ;-)

Have a wonderful first day of Spring!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Crazy, busy, lazy (not necessarily in that order LOL)

I'm baaack!!  I can't believe how time has gotten away from me once again!  (bad blogger, Vanessa!)  Anyway, I gave myself a stern talking-to about not updating my blog on a more regular basis and my plan is to make updates (hopefully) daily, even if its very short and sweet!  I'm finding that I'm really enjoying blogging, but need to be more committed to it.  Or I need to be committed ;-) hahahaha

Anyway the past few weeks have been a little crazy:
  • Was sick for the better part of a week - just a nasty head cold, luckily it didn't turn into bronchitis or something worse (which is normally the case)
  • Did a test run on smoking brisket last weekend - not too bad for our first try!  We are trying them again this weekend - yum!
  • Smoked burgers for the first time this past weekend - they turned out pretty darn good
  • Work has been crazy busy so that's been taking up quite a bit of my time
  • I had a scratch in my eye that ended up getting slightly infected so no contacts for me for two weeks :(
  • Did my taxes and for the first time in my life, I have to pay in.  Definitely NOT a happy camper!!

So see, its been pretty quiet LOL

No progress on my quilt; its been put aside for the time being.  I am making some microwave warming bags for my relatives; everyone seems to be having aches and pains lately.  I'm also making some extra to try to sell at the next BBQ competition, since we are allowed to sell stuff on Friday night (its an overnight competition since brisket takes so long to smoke - anywhere from 6-14+ hours depending on the temperature).  We are also talking about selling smoked burgers and chili too but we shall see.

Anway - I hope you have had an enjoyable few weeks and again, I promise to be a better blogger!!
Vanessa :)