Thursday, February 6, 2014

Florida Breeze Shop Hop

So a couple weeks ago I attended the Florida Breeze Shop Hop (or part of it anyway).  For background information - I'm used to attending the Shop Hops up in Minnesota (Twin Cities).  Its a 2 day Shop Hop; you can sign up to ride on a Greyhound bus and they take you to 6-8 shops each day and lunch is included.  I went with friends and we made a weekend out of it; lots and lots of fun. We received a free 5" square from that years selected fabric line and at the end some free quick patterns that you can use for the squares.  As with other shop hops you got a stamp for visiting that shop and at the end were entered to win various local and state prizes.

This was a bit different - there were only 6 shops included and you had to drive yourself (which was fine).  What I *really* loved about hop is that when you visited each shop you were handed a little baggie with some fabric and a template, and if you got all 6 they could be turned into a wall kit.  The stores also had the backing & binding kit along with the instructions on how to finish the quilt. 

Here is this years wall quilt - isn't it adorable?:

I absolutely *love* anything beach/tropical/ocean related to this is right up my alley big time! 
How has your day been?

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