Thursday, January 9, 2014

Chilly in Florida

We've been experiencing an unusual amount of cold weather here in Northern Florida!  Yesterday's morning's temperature while driving into work was a balmy 34 degrees (balmy being tongue-in-cheek cuz I'm *freezing*)  Luckily though, the temperature is supposed to be close to 80 degrees again by this weekend so keep your fingers crossed!

Anyway....I finally finished my aunt & uncles Christmas gifts and wanted to show them off to you :-)

They redecorated their family and living rooms, and bought the same rug for both rooms.  I took a picture of the rug and created a pattern from it (took me 3 days - ugh!!), then just went for it!  Here's a picture of the original rug (as well as their cat Effner):

If you flip the quilt picture above upside down in your mind, you'll see it matches the rug :)

The envelope pillows were fun to do, and actually pretty easy.  I'm going to write up a quick tutorial on how I do mine.  Even though there are tons of instructions online, I do mine slightly different and really like how they turn out so figured I'd share the wealth so to speak.

And how is your day been going?

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